Exhibiting at IDW2020

The 27th International Display Workshops (IDW ’20) holds from today, between December 9th (Wednesday) and 11th (Friday).

SHINTECH displays our products at online exhibition booth.

Furthermore, we prepared the new brochure for exhibiting.
It introduces our pre-released new optical solver.
You can get with your “MyPage” >> “Brochures” >> “No.8”.

Tutorial video updated.

New video file explains how to use user-defined waveform with dynamic LC analysis.

Please log in your MyPage and download from “Tutorial and Samples” >> 1D.

Tutorials updated.

New content explains how to use LCD Master1D for FLC(Ferroelectric liquid crystal)-cell.

Please log in your MyPage and download from “Tutorial and Samples” >> 1D.

令和二年度 文部科学大臣表彰「科学技術賞」受賞 :
The MEXT 2020 Science and Technology Award

この度、令和二年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰において、代表取締役 北村道夫が科学技術賞(技術部門)を受賞いたしました。

業績名: 液晶表示器の設計開発を支援する数値計算技術の開発

令和二年6月1日、山口県知事に、令和二年度 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(技術部門)の受賞報告を行いました。


April 7
Representative Director Michio Kitamura received the MEXT 2020 Science and Technology Award (Technology Division) for his research, “Development of Numerical Calculation Technology to Support Design and Development of Liquid Crystal Displays.”

June 1
Kitamura visited the office of Governor Tsugumasa Muraoka of Yamaguchi Prefecture to share the honor.

*Each year, MEXT, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields. In the area of science and technology, the Ministry pays special attention to small and mid-sized enterprises that have enhanced the growth of the local economy. We at SHINTECH appreciate the honor, and with it, we hope to be a continued asset to our region.