Soon to be released will be Version 10 of our software series, which will include a fully improved computational solver. That will be followed by the release of a program that ensures faster and more stable calculations.

While constantly improving our products to aid in the optimization of LCD TVs and mobile phone displays, we are also evolving them into tools for developing liquid crystal lenses, liquid crystal antennas and communication control devices.

Look forward to our monthly upgrades in 2021.

Notice of New Year’s Holiday Closure

We will be closed between December 26th, 2020 and January 5th, 2021 due to New Year Holidays.
Our office will be open at January 6th, 2021.
Thank you very much for using our products and service.
We would like to wish you a very “Happy New Year”.

Tutorials updated.

New content explains how to use LCD Master1D for Cholesteric liquid crystal cell.

Please log in your MyPage and download from “Tutorial and Samples” >> 1D.